Themed Composition

In this week’s lesson we were to make a unified theme composition using three or more images as well as taking information that we have learned over the course of the semester. In this project I decided to make a Doctor Who themed Christmas Card because as for anyone who might know me, knows I … More Themed Composition

App Icons

So for this project we were given the opportunity to create our own app icon for a water park. IĀ  used map shape in the custom shape tools and made the ripple effect in the shape in the background.

Animated E-card

So for this lesson we were to make an animated e-card. I took the opportunity since Halloween was last night to make an animated Halloween E-Card with a couple photos I had taken at my neighbor’s “haunted garden”. I am a huge fan of all things halloween so I added Jack SkellingtonĀ  and his the … More Animated E-card