Logotype and Device Ad


device ad

I loved working with this project because it allowed me to further learn how to effectively design a Logo and Design Ad based upon a real security device website that was provided for our project . I chose the particular name Azkaban because of Harry Potter and how it was supposed to keep the most evil of people in the prison. This is similar to how this security device is used to keep out all the people trying to hack into smart devices. I used the hexadecimal colour # 690804 for the background of the logo as well as some of the other red lettering in the advertisement to represent the feeling of prevention(stopping) people from hacking. Where as the blue (hexadecimal colour  #042da4) reminds me of safety. My company meets the customers’ needs by providing them with 24/7 customer service, additional free subscription service, and all around protection for all smart devices. The colour scheme was white (#ffffff), burgandy (#690804), black (#000000), royal blue (#042da4).